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We are presenting information gleaned from the DCA Forum. Jack Waldron,DC3-729, is assisting with this project by reviewing the forum and sendingthe bits and pieces along. We will do our best to acknowledge the name ofthe person submitting the data and the date it was posted.
Jack Waldron isthe first person reporter.Updated - as of September 7, 2003'I' and 'Your author' comments are from Jack Waldron (DC3-729). 'Editor'sNotes' are by John Achor (DC3-324, VP Technical).Editor's Note: You may see this newest version of Microsoft Flight Simulatorreferred to as: FS2004, FS9 (Microsoft's's name for the default folder) orCoF (Century of Flight).CAUTION: These ideas and modifications are offered without anywarranty. As with any change, backup your original files before you makechanges you might wish to reverse.ADD-ON PROGRAMSFSUIPC: V3.0 (V3.03.0) is available and ready forFS2004. There is a base free version, but full functionality will cost 20Euros. Rick Jasonis (DC3-568), 25-Jul-03Rick Jasonis (DC3-568) reported on 22 August 2003 that FSUIPC V3.05 wasavailableFSMETEO: Although not on forum, FSMETEO now has a 2004compatible version.
This is a free upgrade for previous FSMETEO users if youget the e-mail from them. Jack Waldron, DC3- 7295-Sep-2003, Jack Waldron (DC3-729) reports FSMeteo version 6.2 is available.Howard Walker (DC3-240) reported on 30-Jul-03 Although not on forum,WXre has a 2004 version available. This is a free upgrade forregistered users. I was not impressed with the upgrade. Jack Waldron,DC3-729FSNAV: Ver 4.51 is not compatible with FS2004. They areworking on a free upgrade.
John Achor on 01-Aug-03Nobert Plate (DC3-663) reported on August 24, 2003 that FSNAV 4.6 wasavailable. It appears that the first issue may have been a bit buggy butthat has been fixed.Weather Center 2: Bob Nickels (DC3-021) on 02 Sep 2003reported that a 2004 version of Weather Center 2 was out but it had a smallbug that they are aware of and are working on.ADDIT PRO: George Leach (DC3-754) on 04 Sep 2003 reportedthat ADDIT PRO was now available for 2004. MISCELLANEOUSNo Disk: As we know, FS2004 requires disk 4 to run.
Fsnavigator Fs9 Serial Lookup
Atwww.freedomhays.com/fs9.exe there was small upgrade to eliminate thisrequirement. However, to be sure, make sure you backup the original fs9.exe.Howard Walker (DC3-240), 30-Jul-03Missing Bridges: Howard Walker (DC3-240) asked aboutmissing bridges, apparently due to that topic being discussed onFlightsim.com forums.
Bill Von Sennet (DC3-320) reported on 31-Jul-03 thathis missing bridges showed up when scenery density was set to high. Billalso reported that his FS2002 Berlin Airlift scenery seemed to work okay inFS2004.In response to Michael T.
Austen Davies' question as to taxiwaysigns and lights, Jack Waldron, DC3-729, reported that in the oneairport he checked that they were there. I've kept my eyes open since andI've seen them at other airports to, but they are also probably related toscenery slider settings.Andy Hatcher was asked if he was going to do a repaint ofone of the default DC-3s for DC-3 Airways colors and he reported on03-Aug-03 that he would give it a try.Claus V. Jensen (DC3-927) on 12 Aug 03 asked about transponder(from now on referred to as xponder) settings and where could they be foundin FS9 DC-3s.
Appears that over the years the menu ability to set thishad disappeared (I think the last time I remember it was in FS98) and thereis no entry on the DC-3 panel. It appears that MS decided to that forhistorical accuracy it shouldn't be there (see Harry's, DC3-378 post on 17Aug 2003 post for details, thanks Harry for taking MS to task over thatone). Nobbi (Nobert Plate (DC3-663)) came up with a workaround, by settingthe xponder code in Squawkbox (e.g.). USe the '.x' command, it works like amessage. Example is '.x2345,' which will set the xponder to 2345. Thanks forthe workaround, Nobbi.There have been a lot of posts about Panel Changes for2004. It appears to those of us that have done this is that it is verysimilar to the methods the same as FS2002.
There is a good description ofthis in the Tech Editors page.Ray Grigson, DC3-225, reported no Nav or Landing lights in MPusing FS9 DC-3s.Curt Jardey posted a fix for gyro drift rates. In the FS9or FS2002 config file in the realism section change Gyro Effect from 0.0000to 0.12 to slow down the drift. Curt says it worked well in FS2002 and alsoshould work in FS9.
Curt would like anybody that tries it to report if ithelps in FS9.Patrick Smith (DC3-604) on August 25, 2003 wondered about SB (Editor's Note:I'm assuming SB stands for Squawk Box) for FS9. RickJasonis (DC3-568) answered that what you need to use is SB Relay and followthe instructions closely.
From the post it appears that SB Relay can befound at Chocolate Software.George Leach (DC3-754) reported on 01 Sep 2003 that full screen inmultiplayer won't work in multiplayer unless you start multiplayerfull screen, at which time alt+enter works.Harry Nelson (378) reported 02 Sep 2003 that AVSIM has a download availablethat allows the use of the kneeboard as a web browser.just think, you can now fly and post on the forum at the same time.Ed Gibson (DC3-545) on 01 Sep 2003 asked about eliminating somescenery he didn't use (an extra subdivision or two). Charlie(DC3-001) suggested one of the freeware scenery design packages and use theexclude function.George Nuse (DC3-888) on 04 Sep 2003 wondered if FS2002 and FS2004could coexist on the same computer.
Rick Jasonis (DC3-568), BobBetts (DC3-393) and Ray Grigson (DC3-225) all answered in the affirmative.Bob pointed out the caveat, that being that they both can't be running atthe same time. George also wondered if the 'mouse over' text tips haddisappeared in FS2004 (05 Sep 03). They haven't, as Ron Bushell (DC3-038)pointed out, just make sure you turn them on by going Options Settings General and put a checkmark in the 'Show Cockpit Tool Tips'Bill Von Sennet (DC3-220) reported 04 Sep 2003 that on Trev Morson'sDC3 FS9 page (looks like the address isthat there is a dowloadablepanel and new sound file. John Barner (DC3-459) liked it to. This is for thedefault DC3 supplied with FS2004. FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICSFirst on the topic is weak brakes, originally reportedby Charlie (DC3-001) on 04-Aug-03.
Fsnavigator Fs9 Serial Numbers
The challenge was taken up by both AndyHatcher (DC3-309) and Dave Bitzer who reported that changing the toe brakesscalar up improved the situation.